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Burley Primary School

Burley Primary School

School Uniform

School Uniform

  • Black school shoes or black trainers for outdoor use

  • Black plimsolls for inside use, if not wanting to wear just socks

  • Grey trousers, grey skirt, grey pinafore/dress or grey shorts

  • Green gingham dress

  • Black, white or grey socks or tights

  • White or green polo shirt or a plain white shirt

  • Green sweatshirt, hoodie, cardigan or fleece (school logo optional)

  • Waterproofs (seasonal)

  • Wellington boots (seasonal)

PE Kit – All kit should be plain with no sports branding or slogans

  • Black PE Shorts or Skort

  • Black tracksuit bottoms

  • Black leggings

  • Black cycling shorts (these must be at least mid-thigh length)

  • Yellow t-shirt (school logo optional)

  • Sports trainers – not fashion trainers

Water bottles

These should be plain and with a sports bottle top only to minimise leaks in the classroom


Wagtails and Robins should only bring in book bags unless they have packed lunches and then bags should be as small as possible as there is little room on the coat pegs.

Kestrels and Woodpeckers should bring small rucksacks which can fit in their boxes in class.


Long hair should be tied back at all times.  Hair accessories such as hair ties and headbands should be black or green.

Extreme hairstyles are not appropriate for school.  Children should not have decorative patterns cut into their hair or have hair coloured or dyed.

Make up and nail varnish

Make up and nail varnish should not be worn to school.  Temporary tattoos are not allowed and should be removed.


Studded earrings are permitted but need to be removed or covered for PE



School uniform can be purchased from any clothing store, or from PMG Schoolwear in New Milton or online. Please see the flyer below.